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5 DevOps Automation lessons we can learn from Star Wars

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The Star Wars franchise has been captivating the hearts and minds of people across the world for decades. The iconic saga has taught us many valuable lessons about teamwork, leadership, and the power of the human spirit. But have you ever thought about what Star Wars and DevOps Automation have in common? We know it may sound a little out-of-this-world, but these two subjects share more similarities than you might think. In this article, we’ll explore the DevOps Automation lessons that we can take from this galaxy far, far away.

What is DevOps?

DevOps is a software development methodology that facilitates collaboration between development (Dev) and operations (Ops) teams.

The aim of DevOps is to accelerate software delivery speed, improve software quality, and reduce the time it takes to resolve issues by using tools and practices such as continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), test automation, and configuration management.

What is Star Wars?

Star Wars is a science fiction movie franchise that was created by director George Lucas in 1977. The main Star Wars plot takes place in a fictional galaxy. It centers on the struggle between the Jedi, the guardians of the Force who fight to maintain peace in the galaxy, and the Sith, who strive to rule of the galaxy and control the Force.

What can Star Wars teach us about DevOps automation?

Star Wars and DevOps may seem worlds apart, but in truth, there are some interesting similarities between the two.

Star Wars can teach us a few valuable lessons when it comes to DevOps automation. Here are 5 things they have in common:

1. Automation saves time and resources

In the Star Wars universe, droids like R2-D2 and BB-8 are key to the success of the Rebel Alliance. They can carry out automated tasks such as ship repairs, surveillance, and computer hacking faster and more efficiently than humans, saving precious time and resources. Similarly, in DevOps, automation tools such as Jenkins and Ansible can help automate many repetitive tasks involved in the software development process, saving the development team significant time and resources.

Star Wars shows us how automation can boost efficiency and save time and resources. Likewise, in DevOps Automation, automating repetitive tasks frees up staff to work on more complex tasks and improve workflow efficiency.

2. Adaptability and innovation are crucial

Adaptability and innovation are equally important in Star Wars and DevOps because they enable characters and teams to overcome challenges and deal with ever-changing environments. Here are a few examples of how these skills have been showcased in Star Wars and DevOps.

In Star Wars, an example of adaptability and innovation can be seen in the Battle of Endor in Return of the Jedi. In this battle, the Rebel Alliance takes on the Imperial Starfleet in an attempt to destroy Death Star II. When they discover that the Death Star is protected by an energy shield, the Rebels have to find a way to deactivate it in order to attack. Han Solo’s character realizes that the energy shield is being powered by a generator on the planet’s surface and leads a team to destroy it. This adaptability and ability to think outside of the box allows the Rebel Alliance to overcome a seemingly insurmountable obstacle.

In DevOps, adaptability and innovation are crucial in order to deal with the ever-changing technological environment. An example of this can be seen in the adoption of the cloud in DevOps. As enterprises migrate to the cloud, DevOps teams must adapt to a new set of tools and practices in order to take full advantage its benefits. This includes things like deployment automation, scalability, and monitoring. The companies that are unable to adapt to these changes may be left behind and lose ground in the market.

In conclusion, in both Star Wars and DevOps, adaptability and innovation are important skills that enable characters and teams to overcome challenges and deal with ever-changing environments. The Battle of Endor in Star Wars and the adoption of the cloud in DevOps are just two examples of how these skills can be applied in a variety of contexts.

3. Lack of security can have serious and potentially catastrophic consequences.

In Star Wars, there are several examples of the importance of security.

One example of the importance of security in Star Wars is seen in the film “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story”. In the movie, a group of rebels try to steal the blueprints for the Death Star so that they can identify its vulnerabilities and destroy it before the Empire uses it to destroy entire planets. They have to bypass multiple layers of security, from computer systems to security guards and combat droids, to meet their goal. What’s more, the lack of security in the Republic’s communications network allows Palpatine to successfully orchestrate his plan to take control of the galaxy.

Another example can be found in the movie “The Empire Strikes Back”, when the rebel base on Hoth is detected by an Imperial patrol due to a failure in the early detection system. This failure allows the Empire to launch a surprise attack and puts the lives of everyone on the base at risk.

In DevOps, security is essential to ensuring that systems are able to withstand attacks and vulnerabilities. An example of this is the use of DevSecOps practices, which integrate security into each phase of the software development lifecycle. For example, continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) can include automated security testing to detect vulnerabilities early in the development process.

Without a solid security strategy, systems can be vulnerable to cyber-attacks, which can lead to data loss and potentially tarnish the company’s reputation.

A prime example of the importance of security in DevOps can be seen in the 2017 Equifax attack, in which 147 million consumers’ data was stolen due to a security vulnerability in a web application. This incident highlighted the importance of security in software development and the implementation of robust security practices in all phases of the DevOps process.

Ultimately, in both Star Wars and DevOps, security is an integral facet of any system, be it a galaxy far, far away or a software system here on Earth. It must be handled in a consistent and effective manner to ensure the protection of systems and the information within them. In both cases, the consequences of not taking the necessary safety measures can be serious, and even life-threatening.

4. The importance of teamwork and collaboration

In both Star Wars and DevOps automation, collaboration is a key component for success.  Here are a few examples of both:

In Star Wars:

  • In the original movie “A New Hope”, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Princess Leia work together to destroy the Death Star. They each contribute their skills and knowledge to achieve their ultimate goal. Luke pilots the starfighter, Han operates the weapons and the ship, and Leia coordinates the attack from the command center.
  • In “The Empire Strikes Back”, Luke receives Jedi training from Yoda. Although Luke is the protagonist, Yoda is instrumental in Luke reaching his full potential. Without Yoda’s help, Luke never would have been able to take on Darth Vader.

In DevOps:

  • In DevOps, collaboration between development teams and operations teams is key to achieving swift and seamless software delivery. For example, developers must work closely with operations teams to ensure that the software can be deployed and successfully run on production servers.
  • DevOps also encourages collaboration between different teams and departments. For example, security, development and operations teams must work together to ensure that software is deployed securely and complies with security standards.
  • Collaboration is also important in the implementation of DevOps, where development and operations teams work side by side to automate the software delivery process. This may involve the use of construction, evaluation and deployment automation tools, as well as the creation of continuous delivery workflows to reduce lead times and boost software quality.

The bottom line is that collaboration is fundamental in both Star Wars and DevOps. Both are examples of teams of people working together to achieve a common goal. In Star Wars, we see how the characters work together to overcome obstacles and reach their goals. In DevOps, collaboration across multiple teams and departments is key to achieving swift and seamless software delivery.

5. Data is essential for decision making and improved performance

In Star Wars:

  • The Force: The Force is an energy field that encompasses everything in the Star Wars universe. The Jedi and the Sith use the Force data to detect danger, predict the future and make important decisions.
  • The Death Star : In the original Star Wars movie, “A New Hope”, the rebels acquire the blueprints for the Death Star. This data is pivotal in finding a vulnerability within the space station and destroying it.
  • The Spy Network: In the film “Rogue One”, a group of rebels steal the Death Star blueprints from an Imperial database. This data is of vital importance to the Rebel Alliance, as it provides information about the station’s structure and systems.

In DevOps:

  • Application monitoring: DevOps teams collect application performance data to identify issues and boost performance. For example, they may use monitoring tools to collect data on response time, load speed, and error frequency.
  • Test automation: DevOps teams use data to create and run automated tests that validate application performance. For example, they can use data from real users to simulate interaction with the application and detect issues before they reach end users.

In short, in both Star Wars and DevOps, data is essential for critical decision making and the success of a mission or project. Data helps teams understand and improve performance, identify issues, and make informed decisions.


In this article, we have learned that although Star Wars and DevOps automation may seem like very different subjects, they share an important connection: technology and its ability to boost efficiency and performance in the fight against the Empire or in software development.

By embracing automation tools and working together to achieve common goals, DevOps teams can meet their objectives faster and more efficiently. So, may the Force be with your DevOps team in their battle for victory!

Want to facilitate automated development, integration, and infrastructure creation within your organization with the help of DevOps automation? Get in touch with our team of experts today.