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Anka is an observability software suite that oversees corporate digital assets through a SaaS portal, with an ultra light weight local implementation that will help with your organisation’s business continuity.

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Chakray is a Systems Integrator partner with Anka. Our partnership with Anka enables us to provide customers with certified professionals in the UK, Spain, Canada, LATAM and APAC regions. We are recognised as one of the leading providers of services around Anka globally.

We help customers globally to best leverage their investment in Anka including solution architecture, design and implementation of its capabilities, deployment of agents, creation of dashboards, reports, triggers and other solution capabilities.

See ANKA in action

Discover how Anka can meet all your Observability needs, with an Online Demo that will guide you through Anka’s domains (Monitoring, Traceability, Auditing, Security, among others) and show you how to deliver great experiences and simplify operations.

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How we help with Anka

Ensuring you have the right technologies, deployed the right way with the right support is crucial to a successful solution implementation strategy. At Chakray, we help organisations to define their observability strategy, assess/select appropriate agents and webcheks.

Observability allows you to ask and answer important questions about your software system and all the different states it can go through as you observe it.

We see observability as an organisational capability that underpins an associated IT strategy. We help organisations to establish this capability, validate their technologies or approach, develop agents, dashboards, report, triggers, limits. This may be through Chakray’s own Engineering Centre of Excellence (ECoE).

We provide the following Anka services:


Training to end customer users

Customised reports, alerts and dashboards 

Configure and develop customised limits and triggers for customer automations

Support and maintenance

Find out how Anka can meet all of your Observability needs.

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Case Study

The Miranza Group improves the customer experience with an integrated healthcare strategy using Gravitee technology.

Discover how more than 300 online appointments were generated in 2 months thanks to the implementation of the solution, of which 50% were new patients in this successful case study.

Download case study

Why Anka?

Anka offers many advantages including: 

  • Ease of use

    Anka is an intuitive and flexible platform that guarantees coverage of all use cases. All teams enjoy access to the application visibility they need.

  • 500+ compatible technologies

    connect to all the systems you need with ease by making integrations with Anka. 

  • Pay for technology and not users

    Unlike other observability solutions, with Anka there are no licensing costs per number of users, hosts, storage or traffic, making it a cost-effective solution for all types of businesses. 

  • Customization

    Each project and each client has different needs, that is why the platform allows customization of reports, alerts and dashboards, allowing us to adapt it to the needs of each client. 

  • Easy learning and implementation

    Anka unifies in a single point all the Observability domains.

Find out how Anka can meet all of your Observability needs.

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What else does it offer?

  • Brings full monitoring capabilities, from hardware to virtual, from basic JVMs to branded  solutions, from simple containers to full orchestrators
  • Brings Application Performance Monitoring features to fully analyse & trace all requests using trusted standards.
  • Enables real-time and historic auditing attributes as it automatically collects all logs and parameters from agents and IP traffic data from NetFlow producers
  • Provides reporting capabilities, as all the data collected is exposed as a data source to be consumed. From this, the customer can also build their own dashboards
  • Gives HID & NID security capabilities, Out of the box
  • And many more, all from the same UI

Core products

Anka’s core product capabilities are

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Anka has a monitoring system and is able to react proactively/reactively to events that require corrective action. This capability is able to:

  • Display the servers in a physical way.
  • Monitor which CPU is consuming more in percentages.
  • Find out how much memory you are using, what is the incoming and outgoing network traffic and what is the incoming and outgoing hard disk usage.


Reduces the time required for security research and ensures compliance with current security standards by eliminating the barrier between security and observability. This capability is able to:

  • Review all data on one platform and implement intrusion detection techniques on both host and network.
  • Empower your company’s security systems, detect fraud and stop threats and attacks on your hosts or servers.
  • Analyse your security by levels, filter and extract the necessary information for quick remediation.


Analyses all operations performed between all components in a unified way. Anka identifies latencies and problems in your system through the use of traces at each execution step. This capability is able to:

  • Understand service dependencies, reduce latency and eliminate errors.
  • Effectively review your most time-consuming services by viewing data by duration, state, country and more in detail.
  • Track end-to-end, follow user calls from browsers to services, serverless functions and databases.
  • Track end-to-end, identify errors and latency outliers thanks to dashboards and correct them in time.


Rapid troubleshooting, analysis and investigation thanks to Anka’s real-time auditing capabilities. This capability is able to:

  • Track and control logs of any kind generated in the system and events triggered by each of them.
  • Collect logs from all your applications, services and platforms automatically.
  • Immediately detects violations and anomalies that affect the integrity, confidentiality, traceability and availability of your organisation’s resources.
  • Easily view and analyse logs on a single screen and detect the cause of problems faster.
  • Audit logs by levels and by containers, do not lose the detail of the events you are interested in following.
  • Perform searches and apply filters on log data to find entries quickly.

Intelligent Alerts and Notifications

Intelligent alerts and notifications allow you to accelerate response to problems and prevent future errors. This capability is able to:

  • Customise and analyse in seconds your alerts and anomalous data patterns
  • Direct notifications via WhatsApp, Mattermost, email, Slack, and so on.
  • Extensive visualisation and analysis capabilities make it easy to perform ad hoc interactive investigations: search, explore, drill down and reorganise to find the source of problems faster

Real-time interactive dashboards

Anka’s dashboards allow you to analyse system-wide data without coding in a simple and automated way. This capability is able to:

  • All your data synthesised at the click of a button
  • Correlate metrics, logs, traceability and more for collaborative analysis of your data
  • Detect outliers in real time, in infrastructure, logs, UX, security and network performance, either month-to-month or in custom time periods
  • Monitor and evaluate log data in real time using interactive charts and graphs


Our team of experts will work closely with your team to ensure that the right reference architecture and standards are developed for Anka in your enterprise. We can help you focus on the right use cases to demonstrate ROI (Return Of Investments) and home in on the highest value proposition in your Anka journey. Anka has a maturity model and adoption curve within any enterprise. Chakray is here to help you every step of that journey by providing guidance and pragmatic advice when you need it. Adoption must be planned, scaled and measured to ensure success and ROI in the enterprise.

Integration is Chakray’s DNA and as much as Anka is an Observability technology, it is an integration technology. We employ it and treat it like other integration technologies. As something that is critical to the success of companies transforming digitally in a connected world. Companies that do it well create a capability, absorb it into their integration strategy and make it their own within their integration competency.

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