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What is Docker and what does it do? Exploring the advantages and benefits of this powerful platform

Discover the revolution in the world of software development with Docker! Imagine a world where you could pack your application and all of its components into just one container, ensuring consistent performance no matter where you are. With Docker, developers have come up with a solution to compatibility and configuration issues, allowing them to work more efficiently and giving them more room for creativity. In this article, we’ll teach you everything you need to know in order to get the most out of this powerful platform, as well as the key concepts and incredible advantages it has to offer.

1. What is Docker?

Docker is a software container platform that has revolutionized the way in which developers create, distribute, and execute applications. By using Docker, developers can pack an application and its components into just one single container, guaranteeing that the application will work consistently no matter the environment it’s in.

One of the main advantages of Docker is that it allows developers to work within an isolated and reproducible environment. This means that they can test and perfect the application in a local environment which is identical to the environment for production, which significantly reduces compatibility problems and helps to prevent issues with configuration.

In addition, this platform also aids in the implementation and deployment of applications. Since the applications are managed in containers, developers can easily release their applications into other environments, whether it’s into a local server, into the cloud or into a container environment.

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2. Docker’s key concepts

These are some of the key terms that you need to know if you want to get to know Docker. Read them carefully as they’re likely to be very useful for you!


A container is a light and portable software unit which encapsulates the application and components parts. Containers exist in isolation within their own environment, yet they share resources with the host operating system; this is what makes them more efficient than virtual machines.


An image of this platform is a software packet that includes everything which is needed to execute an application, including the source code, parts and base operative system.


A Dockerfile is a text file that contains instructions on how to build an image. These instructions include things such as what operating system to use, what packages to install and how to configure the environment for the application.

Docker Registry

A registry is a service that allows users to store and distribute images. Docker Hub is Docker’s most used image registry, but there are other services available.


Orchestration refers to the management and coordination process of multiple containers of this platform that work together as an application. Docker Swarm is an orchestration tool for Docker containers that allows users to manage and move applications to multiple containers.


Docker volumes are mechanisms that give the containers access to external data or enable them to share data across multiple containers. Docker volumes are used to ensure that data isn’t lost when containers are eliminated and recreated.


Docker networks allow containers to communicate amongst themselves and with the outside world. Docker networks are used to isolate containers and to provide them with a unique IP address and host name.

3. Advantages of using Docker containers

Below we will explore the advantages and benefits that Docker, the software container platform, offers:


The containers are portable and can be used in any operating system that you may have installed, allowing for the implementation and execution of applications in different environments.


The containers are much more efficient that virtual machines because they share resources with the host operating system. This means that more containers can be used in one single server, which saves resources and reduces costs.


It offers a wide range of tools for the management of containers. This allows users to personalize and adapt their development and production environment to their needs.


It facilitates the scalability of the applications through the addition and elimination of containers according to demand. This means that applications are able to manage traffic peaks without interruptions or performance loss.


The containers provide a high level of isolation and security for executing applications. Every container is executed in its own isolated environment, which helps to prevent the applications from interfering with each other and protects against potential security threats.


Docker allows users to create container images that contain all of the necessary components to run the application. This ensures that the application is executed consistently in different environments and helps to prevent dependency issues.

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In conclusion, Docker offers a series of benefits that make the implementation and development of applications more efficient, scalable, flexible and secure.

If you’d like to find out more about how to configure this type of system in your environment, feel free to contact us. We’d love to offer you advice and help you through every step of the configuration process, ensuring a successful implementation and optimal performance for your system.

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